Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation

For Wide Range of Services

International Partners

ADPS purchases its equipment, machinery and material from the best and well-known international companies with long experience in the field of trenchless technology in the World. ADPS applies such technology and material as per international standards and tailor it to the requirements of different clients in the region.

The current list of international partners are below, but it is very important to note that it is a dynamic list which means it can always change as our strategy is to bring the latest and fresh developments to the region in the field of TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY.

CCTV Equipment :

IBAK Germany
CIPP Equipment & Technology :
IBG Germany 
IST Germany
CIPP Lining Material for Gravity Lines
Brandanburger Germany
IMPREG Germany 
CIPP Lining material for Pressure Lines
PRIMUS Germany 

Joint Seal & Repair

Pipe Robotech (USA) 
Hydratech (USA) 

Lining for Pipes with Unusual Shapes
Troliner (Germany)